First of all, you should bear in mind that you don't have to be brilliant or perfect to succeed in public speaking. Many of us have observed public speakers and thought to ourselves "Wow, I could never be that smart, calm, witty, entertaining, polished... or whatever." Well, I've got news for you. You don't have to be brilliant, witty, or perfect to succeed. That is not what public speaking is all about. I know it may look that way, but it's not. You can be average. You can be below average. You can make mistakes, get tongue-tied, or forget whole segments of your talk. You can even tell no jokes at all and still be successful. It all depends on how you and your audience define "success". Believe me, your audience doesn't expect perfection. I used to think most audiences did, but I was wrong. 首先你要牢记在公共场合演讲时你无须表现的很出色或者完美。我们很多人在看过公众演讲者后会自言自语“天哪,我永远也不可能像他们那样聪明、冷静、机智、幽默、完美……反正我什么都不是。”那么,我将告诉你:你并不需要那么出色完美。公众演讲包括的不仅仅是这些东西。我明白也许它看起来就是那么一回事,但事实并非如此。你可以很普通,可以不如平常人。你可以犯错误,结巴或是忘记一大块演讲内容。你甚至可以完全不用开玩笑却还能取得成功。这完全取决于你以及你的听众是如何定义“成功”的。相信我,你的听众不会期望你表现得至善至美。过去我常常认为大多数听众都是这么想的,但是我错啦!