Things to be Taught in Every School Good afternoon, today's lecture is going to talk about five important things that have to be taught in every school. I can't speak for schools outside the United States, but for those who went to school in America, I think you'll agree that the American education system is in sore need of an upgrade. The world is changing at such a rapid pace and it's my strong opinion that there should be more classes dedicated to helping students prepare and cope with the real world once they graduate. When you go on to college, you do a bit of the same things, but you also learn to think analytically, critically, and to broaden your mind so to speak, but even people who graduate from college will learn lessons from the real world the hard way as well. Below are five things that I firmly believe should be taught in every school in America so that students don't get railroaded when they enter the real world. 学校要教学生的五件事 大家下午好,今天的演讲是要讨论每所学校必须教学生的五件重要的事情。虽然我无法代表除了美国之外的学校来说什么,但是仅针对在美国上学的学生们,我想各位也都认同这样一个观点:美国的教育制度亟待改善。世界正在飞速发展,我强烈建议开通有更多的课程来帮助学生们在毕业后懂得如何准备和应对现实世界。当你转入大学,虽然你做一些相同的事情,但你也学会分析问题,懂得用批判性的观点思考问题,也可以说学会开拓思维。但即使是从大学毕业的学生也将从现实世界中吸取惨痛教训。以下五件事,我坚信,是在美国的每所学校都应该教的。这样学生在进入现实世界时才不会草率行事。