Another important subset regarding personal finance are those "intangible" things, such as learning to differentiate between need and want, delaying the gratification, and having an inner sense of value. These concepts can't be taught in the classroom but only taught through oneself via self-discipline. The second is to communicate effectively. I know that sounds simple, but I'm sure you've met people in the workplace who don't take the time to prepare when they speak with you and as a result, waste your time talking in circles when all you want to say to them is, "Can you take some time to think through what you want to say and come back to me later with that?" Communicating effectively is one of the most underrated, yet most powerful skills you can develop. The biggest part in communicating effectively is preparing what you want to say beforehand. Keep it simple. What's my point? Why? Prepare a good example. Communicating effectively is one of the most underrated and most valuable skills a person can have. And let me tell you on a personal level, there's nothing more refreshing than dealing with people who take the time to prepare what they have to say and back it up with clear examples. It's a very rare skill nowadays. 个人理财中,还有些重要的东西是“无形”的,比如学习区分需要的东西和想要的东西,推迟满足感,并且有一种内在的价值感。这些思想在学校是没有人教的,只有通过自律自学而得。第二点是有效沟通。我知道这听起来很简单,但是我相信你肯定有遇到过这样的事:有些已经工作的人在与你交谈的时候没有花时间去准备交谈的内容,因此,你的时间被浪费在兜圈子上,这时你只想对他们说:“你能花一些时间考虑清楚你究竟想说什么,然后我们再谈好吗?”有效沟通是最容易被低估的一项技能,然而它却是你能够培养的一项最有力的技能。为达到有效沟通最重要的是事先准备好你想说什么。表达简洁。我说话的要点是什么?为什么?并且准备一个很好的例子。有效沟通是一个人拥有的最容易被低估却又是最有价值的技能。就我个人认为,一个人如果有花时间准备想说的话而且能用清楚的例子来支持自己所说的话,那么没有什么比和这样的人相处令人更神清气爽的了。当今社会就是太缺乏有这样的技能的人。