The thing of sales ranks the fourth. Obviously I'm not advocating people becoming a salesman after school, but learning the art of selling is what I'm advocating. If you think about it, we all sell everyday. We sell ideas to our boss. We sell to our friends when we pitch ideas on what to do this weekend. We sell ourselves in job interviews. You could say that sales is a great combination of social skills and communicating effectively, but with some other components you should pick up that will be useful. Selling is one of the few skills that can be utilized in any job or career. It's one of the most important cross marketable skills you will ever develop. 第四点是推销。显然我不是提倡人们在下课后去做销售工作,但我提倡大家学习推销的艺术。如果你仔细想想,其实我们每天都在推销。我们向我们的老板推销自己的想法。当我们告诉我们的朋友这周要做什么的时候我们也在他们推销。在工作面试时也是如此。可以说销售综合了社会技巧和有效沟通这两项技能,其中不乏些有用的部分。推销是在任何工作或职业中运用为数不多的几个技能。这是你能够提升的最重要的跨推销技能之一。(最后一句翻译说不出哪里别扭,如果有热心滴童鞋提供更好的译法将不甚感激啊!)