The last one is time management. Speaking of other skills that can be utilized in any job and career is time management. The majority of students never really learn to value their time and manage it while in school. This lack of time management often carries over into adulthood, which becomes a major liability. Learn to make a "to do list". Learn to prioritize. David Allen's G. T. D. system is your best friend here along with Dan Kennedy's No B. S. Time Management. Again if you're unfamiliar with these people, Google is your best friend, but I'm sure the majority of readers will know what I'm talking about. To sum up, these five things including personal finance, effective communication, social skills, sales and time management play a crucial role in school education. 最后一项是时间管理。若说在工作或职业中要运用什么技能的话,那就是时间管理。大部分学生完全不重视时间,也不懂得如何管理时间。缺乏时间管理会随着一个人成长,并成为影响他生活的一个主要因素。学着列一张清单---清楚要做什么,并且懂得先做重要的事情。戴维•艾伦的GTD系统与丹•肯尼迪的No B.S.时间管理在这方面能给你很大的帮助。如果你们不知道这两位人的话,用GOOGLE搜索下,但是我相信大多数读者都明白我说的是谁吧。好了,我总结一下在学校教育中起着关键作用的五件事---个人理财、有效沟通、社会技巧、推销以及时间管理。