Last but not least, being boring. Don't prattle on about your new car for ten minutes oblivious to your surroundings. Always be prepared to drop a subject when you start to bore people. Or when everyone is getting bored and the topic is starting to run out of steam. One good way to have something interesting to say is simply to lead an interesting life, and to focus on the positive stuff. Don't start to whine about your boss or your job. People don't want to hear that. Instead, talk about your last trip somewhere, some funny anecdote that happened while you were buying clothes, your plans for New Year's Eve or something funny or exciting. 最后但也是很重要的一个误区,无聊的话题。不要不顾周边人而关于你的新车侃侃而谈10分钟。当你的话题开始让人觉得厌烦的时候,或当大家感到无聊了,这个话题已经无法继续的时候就切换话题。要进行有趣的对话有一个不错的方法,那便是有一个有趣的生活并专注于积极的事物。不要一开始就抱怨你的老板或你的工作。人们并不想听这些。相反,谈谈你旅行的最后一个地方, 当你在买衣服时发生的一些有趣的轶事,你在除夕夜的计划或一些有趣或令人兴奋的东西等等。