Another way is just to be genuinely interested. As Dale Carnegie said "You can make more friends in two months by becoming really interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you, which is just another way of saying that the way to make a friend is to be one." Opening up a bit and not clinging desperately to one topic will make the conversation feel more relaxed and open. You will come across like a person who can talk about many things with ease. As you've probably experienced with other people, this quality is something you appreciate in a conversation and makes you feel like you can connect to that person easily. Okay, just to sum up. Today we've talked about five easily made mistakes in a conversation. These mistakes can be well-improved if you follow our solutions. Although the list is not complete, I hope it would be helpful. 另一种方法就是要真正感兴趣。正如戴尔•卡耐基说过:“如果你对他人真正感兴趣的话,你两个月内所结交的朋友比你花两年时间让他人对你感兴趣所结识的朋友多得多,可以说,以朋友之谊对待他人才是交友之道。”不要太拘谨,不要死抓住一个话题否则会让谈话变得拘束、狭隘。你遇到一个侃侃而谈的人。当你和其他人打过交道之后,你发现在谈话中能侃侃而谈正是值得欣赏的地方,你会觉得更容易接触那个人。好了,让我们来总结下。今天我们谈论了在对话中容易犯的五个错误。尽管我们的解决方法仍不够全面,但是如果你们遵循这些做法的话,这些错误将可以得到改善。希望它们对你们会有所帮助。