Your prior knowledge, then, about the words in a title or the subject or ideas presented becomes the foundation on which you build your comprehension of the new text. Prior knowledge is a key to getting the process of reading off to a good start. The more you think about and prepare for the reading, the easier it will be.Third, interest. Besides prior knowledge, the most important element in reading successfully is interest. As you undoubtedly know, it is very difficult to comprehend and to focus on the material in which you have no interest. One way to spark an interest in any topic is to see how the topic relates to you. Establishing a personal connection to a subject provides you with an extra motivation for reading. It makes you care more about what the author has to say because you can see how it relates to your own life. This approach may sound rather self-centered, but if you really cannot see, on your own or with the help of someone else, how a text relates to you, by giving you pleasure, by providing you with a different point of view, by helping you gain knowledge of something you value or insight into something that concerns you, you will find it difficult if not impossible to understand. 然后,你对一个标题的字眼、文章呈现的主题或思想的已了解的知识成为你对新的文本的理解的基础。先验知识是在阅读过程有一个好的开始的关键。在阅读时你思考越多、准备越充足,文章就会变得越容易懂。第三,兴趣。除了先验知识,能顺利阅读最重要的因素是兴趣。您肯定知道,如果你对材料没有兴趣,就很难理解和专注于它,。激发兴趣的一个方式便是发现这个话题和你之间的关联。在个人兴趣与文章主题间建立联系可以为你提供了一个特别的阅读动机。它使你更关心作者所说的内容,因为你可以看到它们是如何与你自己的生活相联系。这种方法听起来可能过于以自我为中心,但如果你自己或是在别人的帮助下从书中获得的乐趣,获得的一个不同的看待问题视角,重要的知识或是对一些困扰你的事情的深刻理解,你还是无法发现文章内容与自己的联系,那么,你将很难甚至不可能理解作者在说什么。