Daydreaming, science has discovered, is an effective relaxation technique. But its beneficial effects go beyond this. Experiments show that daydreaming significantly contributes to intellectual growth, powers of concentration, and the ability to interact and communicate with others. In an experiment with schoolchildren in New York, Dr. Joan Freyberg observed improved concentration: "There was less running around, more happy feelings, more talking and playing in the group, and more attention paid to detail." In another experiment at Yale University, Dr. Jerome Singer found that daydreaming resulted in improved self-control and enhanced creative thinking ability. Daydreaming, Singer pointed out, is one way individuals can improve upon reality. It is, he concluded, a powerful spur to achievement. 科学发现白日做梦是一种有效的放松技巧。但它的有利影响不只这一点。实验表明,白日梦特别有助于发展智力,集中注意力,并且增强与他人沟通交流的能力。在纽约的一次针对小学生的实验中,琼•弗雷伯格博士观察到了注意力的改善: “孩子们四处乱跑的现象少了,感觉更开心,更爱一起谈话,一起玩了,而且他们更注意细节。“在耶鲁大学的另一个实验中,杰罗姆•辛格博士发现白日做梦可以提高自我控制力和增强创造性的思维能力。辛格指出,白日做梦是人超越现实的一种方式。他得出一个结论,白日梦是造就成就的一个强大的刺激。