These are the words of the well-known thinker Dr.Harry Emerson Fosdick, and they show that people can literally daydream themselves to success. Fosdick, aware of the wonderful power of positive daydreaming, offered this advice: "Hold a picture of yourself long and steadily enough in your mind's eye, and you would be drawn toward it. Picture yourself vividly as defeated and that alone would make victory impossible. Picture yourself as winning and that would contribute remarkably to success. Do not picture yourself as anything, and you would drift like an abandoned ship at sea." To get the results, you should picture yourself, as vividly as possible, as you want to be. The important thing to remember is to picture these desired objectives as if you had already attained them. Go over several times the details of these pictures. This would deeply impress them on your memory, and these memory traces would soon start influencing your everyday behavior toward the attainment of the goal. 这些话是著名思想家哈里•爱默生•福斯迪克博士所言,他们表明人们完全可以用幻想使自己成功。意识到幻想的强大力量, 福斯迪克提出了这样的建议:“在你的内心时刻保持你自己的形象,当达到一定时间的时候你就会被它吸引。仅仅想象着自己是一名失败者是不可能胜利的。把你自己想象成胜利者,这对取得成功有着重大意义。不要把你自己想象成任何东西,不然你将像一艘废弃的船在海上随波逐流。“要获得成功,你要尽可能形象生动地想象自己将成为的样子。记住一项重要事项,你要做得好像已经实现了你所期望达到的目标一样。反复回顾这些画面的细节,这样它们会深深印在你的脑海里。不久这些印象就会开始影响你的日常行为,使你朝着实现目标的方向前进。