The omniscient point of view produces a relatively complex style. The first person point of view results in a simple style if it is recorded as “spoken", more complex if written; and central intelligence generates a style that typically is slightly elevated above the intelligence level of the focal character. The simple, economical style of American Ernest Hemingway and his selection of images reveal subtle shifts in his characters' psychological states. Hemingway's style was particularly effective first person narration. In the following session, we shall talk about plot and structure. There is a wide range of plot forms and structures found in the short story. A traditional plot has a beginning (introduction of the problem), middle (development of the problem), and an end (resolution of the problem). 无所不知的视角能产生一种相对复杂的风格;如果第一人称视觉以“口语”形式记录,其风格就比较简单,但如果是书面形式,就变得更复杂些;中央情报形成一种风格,通常是比核心人物的智力水平稍高些。美国作家欧内斯特•海明威的通俗易懂、简洁明了的风格以及他对意象的选择揭示了他的人物心理微妙的变化状态。海明威的风格尤其令人印象深刻,即使用第一人称叙事。在接下来部分,我们将讨论情节和结构。在短篇小说中能发现各种不同的情节形式和结构。传统的情节包括开端(引入问题)、中间(发展问题),以及结束(解决问题)。一些作家冒险写一些难以预料的情节,甚至可能看起来几乎没有情节的故事。