Some writers venture into less predictable plots, which might even seem to be plotless. Some authors complicate the structure of their plots with the use of flashbacks and flash-forwards; with the frame of a story within a story; or with subplots or double plots which means two or more equally important narratives progressing simultaneously. Besides, another unique technique called deliberate ambiguity or open-endedness is a plot feature found in many modern stories. The surprise endings of French author Guy de Maupassant, as in his 1884 story The Necklace, influenced many commercial writers but also some literary ones. At the turn of the century, American author O. Henry became famous for his paradoxical style and surprise endings, such as in A Gift of the Magi. 一些作者使用闪回和闪前使情节和结构复杂化;有的使用戏中戏的结构;还有的使用次要情节或双情节,意味着两个或两个以上的同等重要的叙事同时进展。此外,另一个独特的技术称为蓄意歧义或开放性,是在许多现代小说中所使用的一个情节特点。法国作家居伊•德•莫泊桑的作品有许多令人惊讶的结尾,像1884的小说《项链》,影响了许多商业作家以及一些文学作家。在19世纪之交,美国作家欧•亨利矛盾的风格和出人意料的结局闻名于世,如《麦琪的礼物》一文。