Good morning, everyone. Have you ever known that a man's sense of self isn't bounded by his skin? He walks around inside of a kind of private bubble, which represents the amount of airspace he feels he must have between himself and other people. In today's session, I am going to talk about personal space and distance. There are four parts. First, the different understandings towards personal space lead to culturally different behavior. Second, genetically speaking, it is an animal's instinct to have personal bubbles. Third, the closeness of people decides personal relations. And lastly, men and women sense differently about crowding. All right, let's get down to the first part. The misunderstandings can develop because people from different cultures handle space in very different ways. For two unacquainted adult male North Americans, for example, the comfortable distance to stand for conversation is about two feet apart. 大家早上好。你们是否知道,一个人的自我意识并不是由他的皮肤触碰为界限的?他在某个私人空间四处走动,这是因为他觉得他自己和别人之间必须有一定的空间。在今天的会议,我将谈谈个人的空间和距离。有四个部分。首先,对个人空间的不同理解导致文化上不同的行为。第二,从基因角度来说,是一种动物的本能让我们需要私人空间。第三,人与人之间亲密的程度决定个人关系。最后,男人和女人对人群有不同的感觉。好的,让我们开始第一部分的内容。来自不同文化的人以截然不同的方式对待空间,由此导致加深误解。例如,对于两个来自北美互不认识的成年男性,站着谈话舒适的距离便是两尺(大约半米)左右。