One police textbook recognized this when it advised the detective, while questioning the suspect, to sit quite close to him with no table or other obstruction between and to move even closer as the interrogation progressed. As a matter of fact, the degree of closeness can convey messages far subtler than a threat. The third part tells you how the distance reflects personal relationship. It neatly expresses the nature of any encounter. In fact there is a whole scale of distances, each felt to be appropriate in America for a particular kind of relationship. Contact to 18 inches apart is the distance for wrestling or lovemaking or for intimate talk, even a discussion of the weather becomes highly charged. At this range, people communicate not only by words but by touch, smell, body heat. Each is aware of how fast the other is breathing, of changes in the pallor or texture of the skin. 警察教科书发现这一现象后便建议警察在审问嫌疑犯时,坐得离他很近,不放桌子或者其他障碍物挡在两人之间,而且随着审问的进行不断逼近该嫌疑人。事实上,从亲密的程度除了发现威胁外,还可以看出其他更隐秘的信息。在第三部分,我将告诉你距离如何反映个人关系。通过距离可以看出你和你遇见的人之间的关系究竟好不好。其实一般来说,距离在美国人看来都觉得是适当的,因为它反映了某种特殊关系(这句翻译总觉得不顺。。不知道有木有好的建议嗒~)。18英寸的距离的接触为摔跤或性爱或亲密的交谈,甚至是讨论进入白热化阶段。在这个范围内,人们除了通过言语也可以通过触觉、嗅觉和体热进行交流;每一个人都知道对方的呼吸有多快,以及脸色变化和表情变化。