A young woman I know, proposed to by a man who she thought she was in love with, turned him down on the spur of the moment. What decided her was the fact that he did this proposing while sitting in a chair eight feet away. Lastly, the gender difference would also result in different reactions toward crowding. Crowding definitely influences behavior, and it influences men and women differently. Men, crowded together in a small room, become suspicious and combative. Women in the same situation become friendlier and more intimate with each other. They are apt to like each other better and to find the whole experience more pleasant than they would if the group were converted in a larger room. In a small crowded room, an all-male jury gives a tougher verdict, an all-female jury a more lenient one. So much for today's session. I shall reemphasize the importance of personal space and distance between people. Please remember that it is a truth anyone can easily demonstrate by moving in gradually on another person. At some point, the other would begin, irritably or just absentmindedly, to back away. Goodbye! 有一个男人向一个我认识的年轻的女人求婚, 他以为她爱上他,然而这位女子一时冲动拒绝了他。她做出这个决定的真相是因为他坐在8英尺远椅子上向她求婚。最后一点,性别差异也会导致对人群产生不同的反应。人群的确影响行为。它对男性和女性的影响是不同的。一起挤在一个小房间的男人会变得多疑和好斗。在相同的情况下女人变得更友好,更亲近彼此。小房间与大房间相比,在小房间里她们会变得更喜欢对方并发现整个经历更愉快。一个全由男性组成的陪审团给出的判决更严厉,然而一个全由女性组成的陪审团更宽容的。今天的会议到此结束。我将重新强调私人空间和人与人之间的距离的重要性,。请记住,任何人都可以很容易地通过渐渐逼近他人来向其进行示威,这是一个真理。在有的情况下,其他人将开始焦急地或只是茫然地退缩。再见!