Characteristics of American Culture Good morning, today I'm going to talk about some characteristics of American culture. As we know, the United States is large and varied. Thus general cultural descriptions for Americans are very difficult to formulate. But certain American cultural characteristics do exist that clearly mark Americans as Americans, regardless of the cultural variations posed by the newer generations. For visitors to the States who might find themselves socializing with the natives on a more personal level than the local theme park, here are some characteristics of American that, if avoided, would keep you from committing any nasty troubles. 美国文化的特点 早上好,今天我要谈谈美国文化的一些特点。正如我们所知,美国是个大国,而且每个地方文化不尽相同。因此对于美国人来说是很难对美国文化作出一概述的。尽管每一代人会形成文化差异,但美国的确存在着一些文化特征是使美国人之所以为美国人的标志。到美国的游客可能会发现自己与当地人交往最多不过说说当地的主题公园,很少谈私人问题。这里有一些美国的特征,如果加以注意,你将会避免造成任何不愉快的麻烦。