First and foremost, Americans are punctual, if not absolutely ruled by the clock. If the theater show starts at 7:30 pm, the majority of Americans are expected to be in their seats 20 minutes prior. Crawling in the dark over other patrons to reach your seat even five minutes after the curtain has risen will cause grumbles. You might even be forbidden to enter by the theater ushers who will force you to wait until a suitable break in the show. Time sensitivity extends to dinner reservations at local restaurants, as well, whether or not you are meeting any Americans. A mere 30-minute delay will push you to the end of the reservation list at bustling, popular eateries. Dining with Americans at their home is only slightly less restrictive. The hostess will fret over her perfectly timed meal when you don't arrive at the appointed hour, but you are allowed a 15-minute leeway, which is considered "fashionably late". 首先,美国人守时,不然的话就是完全跟着时钟走。如果影剧院在下午7:30开始演出,大多数的美国人将提前20分钟到达剧院在位子坐好。就算节目只开始五分钟,若你在黑暗中伏着身子穿过其他观众到你的座位也让他们怨声载道的。你甚至可能被影院引座员阻止,直到等到这个节目中场休息的时候才可以进入剧院。美国人对时间的敏感还延伸到餐馆的用餐预约,不论你是否和美国人见面。仅仅三十分钟的延误也会使你被排在宾客盈门的餐馆的预约名单的最后。如果到美国人家里用餐,主人对时间的敏感也不比前面好多少。倘若你没有在约定的时间到达,女主人就会为错过准时的用餐时间而焦急,但是比邀请规定的时间晚到十五分钟内都是可以接受的,这就是所谓的“社交式迟到”。