Next, a popular American phrase is that "all men are created equal" and Americans quite literally practice what they preach here. The average American will not take kindly to bullying, condescension, line jumping, or downright pushiness, all of which might be acceptable practices among the well-to-do of other countries. Service for almost anything is on a first come, first serve basis, and attempts to breach the protocol will be vocally resisted. Expect to be regarded as arrogant and cocky if you dare to sweep past other patrons to reach the head of the line whether at the clothing store or at the theme park. Bribery to receive any special treatment is not recommended and will most likely be met with scorn by those to whom you are offering the money. Note, however, that there is a difference between bribes and tips, and the headwaiter at your upscale restaurant would not hesitate to seat you at a preferred table for a little delicate compensation. 第二,“人人生而平等”是在美国盛行的一句话,而且在这点上美国人确实言行一致。恃强凌弱、傲慢无礼、插队,或者一意孤行,这些在其他富裕的国家有可能接受的行为,对于美国人来说是不可姑息的。在美国,几乎所有的服务是先到先得,额满即止,任何试图违反这项规定的人都会被人骂。不论在服装店或主题公园,如果你敢在排队时穿过其他顾客到队伍的最前面将被视为傲慢和自大。为了得到任何特殊的待遇而贿赂是不可取的,而且对方对你的这种行为不屑一顾。但是请注意,贿赂和小费是有区别的,如果在高级餐厅给些小费,其妙之处在于服务员领班会毫不犹豫地领你到最好的位子就坐。