Be sure to be well skilled in this game of favors, or you might come off as stupid to even the headwaiter. Third, most visitors will notice right away that dress is not a concern with most Americans. Short skirts and bare arms can be a shock for the visitor coming from more traditional countries, but negative comments will never be appreciated. Americans are known for their uniform of jeans and T-shirts and a good number will not find it necessary to deviate from the dress code for even more formal events. Opera lovers visiting the States should not be shocked then when they are seated next to an American patron in shorts and flip-flops. Many opera houses aim to appeal to the broadest range of American society, and feel a strict dress code might inhibit some from enjoying a night of entertainment. 在这个游戏中一定要将其游戏规则熟捻于心,否则连餐厅领班都会觉得你愚不可及。第三,大部分游客会立即注意到大多数美国人对衣着没很大讲究。短裙和裸露的手臂可以令来自更传统国家的游客惊讶,但不会有人说些负面评价。美国人以他们的牛仔裤和T恤衫而出名,而且许多人觉得即使在更正式的场合这样穿也不算不符合着装要求。到美国游玩的歌剧爱好者如看到一位穿着短裤和人字拖的美国听众坐你旁边也没什么好震惊的。许多歌剧院旨在吸引越多的美国听众,他们觉得严格的着装可能让一些听众无法尽情享受娱乐。