Americans are always eager to explain the workings of their government, but again you should avoid specifics. National defense and international affairs might get some people angry. Finally, visitors should keep in mind that Americans pride efficiency above all else. Utilitarian by nature, Americans think of almost everything in terms of units to be produced in the most time and cost efficient manner. Although the mentality has served Americans well in the business realm, the attitude might transfer to the social, as well. Visitors might find the strict American timetable too confining, or perhaps downright rude when a casual lunch abruptly ends so the American can rush back to work. 美国人总是急于解释政府的运作,但你应该避免再细节的问题。国防与国际事务可能引起一些人生气。最后,游客们应该记住,美国人以效率高于一切为豪。天生的功利主义使美国人认为几乎所有的事情以团体为单位开工是最省时节约的有效方式。虽然这种心态在商业领域满足了美国人,但是这种态度也可能会影响社会风气。游客会发现有严格时间观念的美国人过分受制于时间,或者当一顿随意的午餐突然被打断就会很生气,因为他们要赶回去工作。