For the foreigner from a country where special emphasis is placed on social encounters, the standard "Hi and Bye" can appear superficial and fake. An image reinforced by the insatiable American appetite for consumer goods. Keep in mind, however, that Americans are firm believers that they must work to earn money so they may buy consumer goods that will pump money into the economy and create jobs. The result would be that Americans will keep working and earning money, and will maintain the cycle that has allowed the American standard of living to be the envy of most of the world. Most Americans see little wrong with their priorities. To sum up, I've given you some guidelines, which point to characteristics that are considered prevalent among most Americans and traits that are often misunderstood or overlooked by the typical short-term visitor. I hope these guidelines would be of great help to you when you make a journey to the United States. Thank you. 对于来自强调社交的外国人,“你好,再见” 的标准会显得肤浅和虚伪;强化了美国人对消费品贪得无厌的形象。然而,要记住,美国人坚信他们必须努力挣钱,这样他们可以购买消费品,将大量资金注入经济从而创造就业机会。其结果就是,美国人将继续工作、挣钱, 工作、挣钱,使得美国的生活水平成为世界上大部分人所羡慕的。大多数美国人都习以为常得认为他们是最优秀的。好了,总结一下,我在此针对被认为是美国人普遍存在的特点以及往往被典型的短期游客所误解或忽略的美国文化提出了一些指导方针。我希望它们能够在你们到美国游玩时对你们有所帮助。谢谢!