Another method of observation with intervention is field experiment. What is a field experiment? When an observer controls one or more conditions in a natural setting in order to determine the effect on behaviour, this procedure is called field experiment. The field experiment represents the most extreme form of intervention in observational methods. The essential difference between field experiments and other observational methods is that researchers have more control in field experiments. Now let's take a look at observation without intervention. Observation without intervention is also called naturalistic observation because its main purpose is to describe behaviour as it normally occurs, that is, in a natural setting, without any attempt by the observer to intervene. An observer using this method of observation acts as a passive recorder of what occurs. The events occur naturally and are not controlled by the observer. OK, in today's lecture,we have focused on how to make decisions of sampling before beginning our observation, and what we can do during observation. I hope what we've discussed will help you in your future research design. 另一种干预性观察的方法是现场实验法。什么是现场实验法呢?观察者为了确定对行为产生的影响,在自然环境中控制着一个或多个条件进行研究,这个过程被称为现场实验。现场实验法是一种有最高级的干预形式的观察法。现场实验法和其他观察方法的根本区别在于研究人员在现场实验中有更多的控制权。现在让我们看看非干预性观察。非干预性观察也称为自然观察,因为它的主要目的是对正常发生的行为进行描述,也就是说,在自然环境中,观察者不需要想办法进行干预。使用这种观察法的观察者作为一个被动的记录员记录所发生的事件。这些事件是自然发生的并且不受观察者操纵。好了,在今天的演讲中,我们主要讨论了如何在开始观察之前决定抽样方法,以及在观察中我们能做什么的问题。我希望这些内容对你们未来的研究设计能有所帮助。