Old Joe pushed his head forward to see what blocked the road. He turned on the brightest car lights. "It's one of those fish-killing turtles." He said, "It's a big one too." Tony opened his eyes wide and looked at the strange thing. It was the biggest turtle he had ever seen. Is it dead yet? The two men got out of the car and stood looking down at the turtle. It looked like a large green rock. Suddenly it moved a little and left sharp marks in the dirt. Then it stopped. "Probably going to the river." Tony said. "These turtles kill fish especially trout." They watched it. "I could crush him under the wheels of the car." Tony said, "But he's too big." He looked around and walked to the side of the road. He came back with a long stick. He pushed it in the turtle's face. With one quick movement that turtle bit the stick and broke it into little pieces. 老Joe伸了伸头想看看到底是什么挡在路上。他开了汽车的前灯。 “是一只吃鱼的海龟,而且是很大一只。”他说到。 托尼张开大眼并看了看这奇怪的东西。那是见过最大的海龟。它死了没?这两个男人下了车并站在海龟旁边。他看起来像块巨大的石头。突然他移动了一点并且留下了深深的脏痕迹。然后停了下来。 “可能是想去河里。”托尼说到 “这种海龟会杀死鱼儿,尤其是鳟鱼。”他们一直看着它。 “我可以把它压在汽车轮下,但是它太大了。”托尼说到他看看四周并走向路的一边。带了一根长棒回来。他用它捅海龟的脸。在一个短暂的瞬间海龟打断了棍子并把它弄成粉碎。