Doctor John Perry decided it was time to go home. It had been a perfect day, a day alone, the first such day in many years. He had filled his bag with all sorts of seashells enough to study for months. The island had been a good place to find shells, but now the sun was going down. He must leave before it got dark. He picked up his bag of shells and walked toward the edge of the island. He came to the sand reef that connected the island and the shore of the mainland. He stopped for a moment to enjoy the sunset on the ocean water. Then, he began to walk along the sand reef toward the shore. He walked slowly stopping a few times to rest. He began to whistle. Along with nature all day, it had cheered him. He could see the shore. 约翰. 佩里医生决定该是回家的时候了。这是完美的一天,独自一人一整天,这是这么多年来头一次。他已经在他的包里塞满了贝壳,足够好几个月研究的。这个岛是个收集贝壳的好地方,但是现在,太阳要落山了。他必须在天黑之前离开。他拾起装满贝壳的包,向岛边走去。他来到连接该岛和大陆海岸的岛礁上。他停了一会儿,享受着落日映照在海水中的美景。然后,他开始沿着岛礁向海岸走去。他走得很慢,停下来休息了几次。他开始吹口哨,整天和大自然在一起,这使他很高兴。他能看到海岸了。