He looked at the sharks now near the shore. They were still feeding. It was hard to think of himself being attacked by a shark. A man when he is healthy feels good, but the pain, a torn belly, a missing leg, a badly crushed head by those powerful teeth. "No. No", he wanted to live. To swim now might mean sudden death, but the sharks might stay here for days, a week or more. He decided to swim. But first, he looked all around. There was not a sign of a boat anywhere, no fisherman, nothing. He looked up, not a sign of a storm just a clear blue sky. He took off all his clothes. He kept only his belt and his small knife. The sharks were far off. He silently slipped into the water. He went deep down and looked around. He was about to rise to the top and start swimming when he saw a long grey body below him. Small dots of sunlight danced on the shark's body down through the clear water. He kicked himself up to the top and struggled onto the sand. If he had not looked down, he would be half way across now with the shark chasing after him. He did not think of the rest. 他看着现在在海岸附近的鲨鱼。他们仍然在进食。很难想像他自己被一条鲨鱼攻击。一个人当他健康的时候感觉良好,可是那种疼痛,一张撕破了的肚皮,一条缺失了的腿,一个被那些有力的牙齿严重咬碎了的头颅。“不,不。”他想活!现在游可能意味着立刻死亡。但是鲨鱼也许要在这儿呆几天,一星期或者更久。他决定游泳。但是首先,他看向四周。哪儿也没有船的影子,没有渔民,什么也没有。他向上看,没有风暴的迹象,只有清澈的蓝天。他脱掉所有的衣服。只剩下腰带和他的小刀。鲨鱼们离得很远。他默默地滑入水中。他下潜的很深并且看向四周。他就要升到水面开始游泳,突然他看到一条长长的灰色的身体在他下面。透过清澈的海水,点点阳光在鲨鱼的背上跳动着。他踢打着回到水面并挣扎回沙地上。如果他没向下看,他将会游到半路就遭到鲨鱼的追击。他没再想下去。