He stood up and looked around again. How could he make the sharks move out to sea. If they swam out to sea, he could swim to shore before they saw him. He saw the sharks rolling and playing. Their hunger was now gone. They were killing for fun. How could he make them move? He pulled his knife from his belt. "Sharks can smell blood. " he thought. He put the knife against his leg and cut deep into the flesh. The blood ran out. He caught it on his white shirt. When the shirt was red and wet, he tied some cloth around his leg to stop the flow of blood. He tied a long piece of cloth to the shirt, then walked to the edge of the sand. He threw the shirt into the water and pulled it with the piece of cloth. The sharks smelt the blood. They came racing toward the shirt. He ran down the sand reef pulling the shirt. The sharks raced after it. He was leading them away from shore. Suddenly, he dropped the cloth turned toward shore and ran as fast as he could. He jumped into the water and swam. He was half way across when he turned to look back. A high bony fin was cutting through the water toward him. He put his face in the water and kept and pulled himself forward as fast as he could. The shore was nearer now. But he thought of his belly under the water. How defenseless it was. He thought of the flat noses of the shark hitting from below. 他再一次站起来向四周看。他怎样能使鲨鱼到大海里去呢?如果他们游去大海,他就能在它们看到他之前游到海岸那。他看到鲨鱼翻滚着,嬉耍着。它们的饥饿已经消失。现在它们杀戮纯粹是为了消遣。他怎样能使它们离开呢?他从腰带上拔出他的刀。“鲨鱼能嗅到血的味道。”他想。他把刀子抵着他的大腿,深深地切入肉里。血冒了出来。他用他的白衬衫接着。当衬衫血淋林湿淋淋的时候,他用一些布绑在腿上止血。他在衬衫上系了一长条布,然后走到沙地的边缘。他把衬衫仍到水里并用布条拉着。 鲨鱼闻到了血的气味。它们争先恐后地游向衬衫。他沿着沙礁跑着,拉着衬衫。鲨鱼在后面追赶着。他领着它们远离了海岸。突然,他扔下布条,转回身,向海岸拼命跑去。他跳入水里游起来。游到半路他回头看,一副高高的,瘦骨嶙峋的鱼鳍正分开海水向他而来。他把脸埋入水里继续拼命把自己推向前。海岸现在越来越近了。但是他想到到自己水下的肚皮,毫无防备。他想到鲨鱼的扁鼻子从下面攻击。