The next book she read to Walter was "How to love your wife?" Soon after grandmother finished reading it, she died. Just like that. It was difficult to believe. It was only after I saw them lower her body and cover it that I knew she would not come back. The morning after she died, Walter came with food. Mother went to the door. "Mrs. Gorman is dead." she told Walter. "She died last night." Walter did not move at first, he did not seem to understand or he thought she was lying. He then tried to enter, but mother shut the door a little. "Can't you understand, she is dead, no one is here, she died last night, please do not come here again." Walter just stood there, his face white. Mother closed the door on him. She telephoned the food store and told them not to send Walter any more. I did not see Walter again for a long time, I had forgotten all about him and the days grandmother had read to him. Then one day, I saw him. He looked different. He was wearing a suit of cloth, the coat was old, and the trousers had been worn many times. He wore a white shirt and a necktie. 她给walter读的下一本书是“怎样爱你的妻子?”。祖母给他读完之后不久,她去世了。真的很难相信。直到我看到他们把她下葬埋起来我才懂得她永远不会回来了。 她去世后的第一个早晨,walter带着食物来了。妈妈走到门前,“Gorman女士去世了。”她告诉walter。“她昨晚走的。”walter一开始没有动,他似乎没有听懂或者他认为妈妈在撒谎。他想进去,但是妈妈又把门关紧了一点,“你不明白吗?她去世了,这里没人,昨天晚上她去世了,拜托你不要再来了。”walter只是站在那里,面色惨白。妈妈在他面前关上了门。然后她给食物商店打电话告诉他们不要再让walter来了。 我很长时间没有看到walter了,我几乎忘记了关于他所有的事情,还有祖母给他读书的日子。有一天我看见他了。他看起来和以前不一样了,穿着一套衣服,上衣很旧,裤子也洗了很多次,他穿着白色衬衫和一条领带。