[00:05.00]1953, a coronation fit for a King [00:10.00]But it's a young Queen [00:11.00]who's about to be crowned. [00:13.00]And the crowd roars its approval [00:17.00] The fact that she's a woman attracts no comment [00:20.00] and she will go on to reign over us for six decades [00:25.00]But England's Queens haven't always been greeted with such adoration. [00:31.00]The first woman who sought to be crowned Queen in her own right [00:35.00] here in Westminster, [00:36.00]800 years earlier, [00:38.00]received a very different response [00:41.00] She wasn't met by cheering crowds [00:44.00] Instead, she was chased away from the capital by an angry mob [00:51.00]That's because throughout our history [00:54.00] women and power have made an uneasy combination. [00:58.00]Never more so than the Middle Ages [01:00.00]when a King was a warrior who had to fight to win power [01:05.00]battle to keep it. [01:09.00]But despite everything that stood in their way, [01:12.00] a handful of extraordinary women did attempt to rule Medieval England [01:18.00]This series is about the Queens [01:21.00]who challenged male power [01:23.00] and the fierce reactions they provoked. [01:28.00] When they pursued power like Kings, [01:30.00]these royal women were criticised and condemned [01:33.00]Most graphically of all, [01:34.00]they've been vilified as She-Wolves [01:37.00]These are the stories of the She-Wolves of England. [01:41.00] And to explore them is to realise just how far we've come, [01:45.00] and how little has changed.