[00:03.070]Hugh Despenser was a political predator. [00:07.686]He had known Edward since his teens, but unlike Gaveston, [00:11.197]Despenser doesn't seem to have been the King's lover. [00:15.887]But this was small comfort to Isabella. [00:20.497]While she was still loyally performing her royal duty [00:23.501]by giving birth to two more children, [00:26.105]she watched as Despenser set about using his influence with the King [00:29.995]to build up his own wealth and power to dizzying heights [00:33.934]no matter how illegal his methods, or who stood in his way. [00:42.420]By 1321 the lords had had enough. [00:46.325]They marched on London [00:48.297]and threatened violence against Edward and his new favourite. [00:54.846]In the attempt to prevent Civil War [00:57.404]Isabella took action to support her husband in the way only a Queen could.