We can't know just how closely Isabella was involved in planning Edward's murder. By its very nature, his end was a grim business done in secrecy and shadows. His death was announced, but not explained. And, in the absence of an explanation, rumour and speculation took his place. Legend has it that he was killed with a red-hot poker thrust into his anus to burn his intestines from the inside. This violent detail was immortalised more than 200 years later by Christopher Marlowe in his play of Edward's life when he called Isabella "that unnatural Queen, false Isabel". 我们无法得知在谋杀爱德华的计划里,伊莎贝拉占了多少比重。但就其本质而言,他的死是一场相当血腥残忍的勾当,做得悄无声息,无人知晓。他们宣布了他的死亡,但没有多做解释。由于缺乏解释,流言蜚语满天下。民间传说他们把一根烧红的铁条,捅进爱德华肛门中,使其腹腔烧焦,洞穿而死。这个残忍的细节,拜克里斯托弗·马洛所赐,流传了不下200年。在他描写爱德华生平的戏剧中,这么称呼伊莎贝拉“那个不寻常的王后,那不是伊莎贝拉”。