What's certain is that it was Edward's death - a murder that supposedly took place in this room at Berkeley - that sealed Isabella's reputation as a she-wolf. Just 30 years later, the chronicler Geoffrey le Baker portrayed Edward as a Christ-like figure, betrayed and destroyed by a wife who was like the biblical Jezebel - a tyrannical and sexually corrupt Queen manipulating her husband and son to impose evil on the kingdom. But these opinions were formed in hindsight. When Isabella knelt in prayer at her husband's funeral, she was still seen as the saviour of the nation. But though Isabella was a political animal through and through there were limits to her political understanding. And now her overwhelming sense of entitlement began to blunt her vision. 唯一可以确信的是,正是爱德华的死,这场发生在伯克利堡的这个房间里头的谋杀,使得伊莎贝拉“母狼”的称谓名声在外。事隔30年之后,史学家杰弗里·勒·贝克将爱德华塑造成救世主形象,被一个像圣经中的耶洗别一样。额度的妻子所背叛和摧毁。耶洗礼是一个残暴专横又淫乱堕落的王后,操纵她的丈夫和儿子,把罪恶洒向她的国家。不过这些看法都是后来添油加醋造成的。当伊莎贝拉在葬礼中下跪,为她的丈夫祈祷时,她仍被视为这个国家的救世主。不过尽管伊莎贝拉是个彻头彻尾的政治家,但她对政治的理解力仍有局限性。现在她对权力的强烈渴求,开始模糊她的视线。