But now they were behaving exactly like Edward and Despenser before them. For two years Isabella and her lover ruled the country with a vice-like grip, meeting opposition with brutal suppression. And all the time Isabella kept her son, King Edward III, closely by her side, monitoring his friends and allowing him no freedom to act alone. Marlowe would later describe Isabella's son as "a lamb, encompassed by wolves". But by 1330 Edward was 17, and the she-wolf was about to discover that her offspring had claws of his own. Isabella's day of reckoning came at Nottingham Castle. She had already become suspicious that her son was beginning to resist her control. So when the royal party took up residence here they had the guards redoubled about them. 但现在他们的所作所为,和他们之前的爱德华及德斯彭瑟没什么两样。这个国家在伊莎贝拉和她的情人手里度过了两年时光,他们牢牢控制着手中的一切,残忍的镇压反对派。这期间伊莎贝拉一直将她的儿子,国家爱德华三世,紧紧箍在身边,监视他的朋友,不让他有任何做小动作的机会。马洛后来形容伊莎贝拉的儿子, 犹如“一只陷入在狼群的羊”。不过到1330年,当爱德华17岁的时候,“母狼”发现,她臂膀下的雏鹰翅膀已经长硬了。在诺丁汉城堡,伊莎贝拉的好日子到头了。她很早就开始怀疑,她儿子想要反抗她的控制。所以当皇室成员在那里落脚后,他们下令看守加油,看住爱德华他们。