But Edward's plans had been well laid. Under cover of darkness, a group of young knights made their way through these secret tunnels into the castle. Mortimer and Isabella were surrounded before they knew what was happening. Isabella was forced back into her bedchamber and Mortimer was disarmed and overpowered in a matter of moments. After three years, the rule of Isabella and her consort was over. There was no doubt about Mortimer's fate. He was sentenced to a traitor's death for killing the last King and usurping the power of the new one. He was hanged at Tyburn like a common thief. More than 20 years of brutal political experience told Isabella that Mortimer's fate was inevitable. But what would hers be? She was, after all, the King's mother and, once Mortimer was dead, the story could be spun that she had been diverted from her royal duty by his machinations. Presumably she mourned for him, but she'd always been a realist and she took care to leave no public traces of her grief. 不过爱德华的计划早已就绪,在黑夜的掩护下,一小队年轻的骑士,抄小道,秘密进入了城堡。莫蒂默和沙拉贝拉还没反应过来时,他们已身陷重围,伊莎贝拉被强制带回她的寝室。莫蒂默在片刻之内,便被除掉屋企,遭到武力制服。时隔三年,伊莎贝拉和她情人的统治时代,终于画上句号。莫蒂默接下来的命运可想而知,他以叛国罪被初一极刑,被指控,谋杀前一任国王,以及篡夺新王的权力。他像普通小贼一般被吊死在泰伯恩刑场。 超过20年的残酷政治经验,告诉伊莎贝拉,莫蒂默的命运无法改变,那她的呢?毕竟,她还是国王的母亲,一旦莫蒂默死去,故事的真相便会被掩盖。罪证变成她被莫蒂默阴谋诡计迷了眼,进而没有履行皇帝使命。也许她真的有为他哀悼,但她同时也是个现实主义者。她小心地不在公共场合表现出她的悲伤。