Margaret's father had many grand titles, in theory, he was King of Sicily, Naples and Jerusalem, and he spent most of her childhood fighting to turn those paper crowns into real power. In the meantime, Margaret, here in Anjou, was brought up by her formidable mother and grandmother. The message to Margaret was clear. Royal power had to be fought for, and a woman could rule if a man was absent. When Margaret left Angers at the age of 15 to marry a man she'd never met, she couldn't have known how valuable these lessons would prove to be. 23-year-old Henry probably struck Margaret as a reassuring presence. He had an unworldly, childlike air, more a naive innocent than a grim-faced soldier. But, if that made him a gentle husband, Margaret was about to discover that it also made him a disastrous King. 玛格丽特的父亲有很多响亮的称谓。理论上,他是西西里,那不勒斯和耶路撒冷的君王。在她童年的绝大部分时期,他都在为此奋斗,力图将头上的光环变成货真价实的王冠。与此同时,住在安茹的玛格丽特,被她的强悍的母亲和祖母养大。传达给玛格丽特的信息很明确,即,必须为权力而战,如果没有男人,一个女人也可以掌权。当玛格丽特15岁离开昂热,嫁给一个她素未蒙面的人时,她永远不会意识到,她学到的这些是多么的有价值。23岁的亨利给玛格丽特吃了一粒定心丸,他不谙世事,孩子气十足,比起冷面战士来,要友善,天真得多。但如果这一切是让他成为一名绅士的原因。那么,玛格丽特会发现这也是使他一败涂地的罪魁祸首。