Henry VI had come to the throne as a nine-month-old baby and England had been governed by a council of noblemen. But now, at the age of 23, Henry seemed no more capable of ruling than he had as a baby. It's not clear exactly when Margaret realised how utterly incapable her husband was, but what happened seven years into their marriage left no room for doubt. To Margaret's delight, in 1453 she gave birth to her first child, a healthy boy named Edward. But Henry took no part in the celebrations. Ten weeks before the birth, his fragile mental faculties had disintegrated completely and he'd fallen into a catatonic trance. 亨利六世登基时才9个月大,英格兰的命运掌握在议会一群贵族的手中。但现在,亨利已经23岁了,可他统治国家的手段,不让他婴儿时期高明多少。那时玛格丽特还没意识到她的丈夫是多么的无能。然而他们婚后7年的生活,这让一切成为不争的事实。让玛格丽特欢喜的是她在1453年生了他们的第一个儿子,一个健康的男孩取名叫爱德华。但是亨利并没有参加庆典。在孩子出生的10周之前,他的疯癫症发作,脆弱的精神完全瓦解,整个人陷入一种神经兮兮的恍惚状态。