But Margaret knew that her next move would have to be made carefully. For now, she left London for her castle at Tutbury in Staffordshire. But this wasn't a retreat from the political frontline. Instead, it was an attempt to match the Duke of York with a territorial power base of her own. Margaret had the castle at Tutbury enlarged and improved. It was an imposing residence for an increasingly imposing queen. Margaret was clearly demonstrating to anyone who cared to look that she was prepared to fight to defend her husband and son. But in doing so she provoked a reaction. And, as ever, a woman in power was vulnerable to sexual as well as political slurs. Rumours began to speak of the little Prince as a bastard or a changeling and to suggest that, in private, Henry's queen might not be as loyal as she seemed. The implication was that unnatural impulses were at work, both inside and outside the royal bedchamber. 不过玛格丽特知道,她的下一步棋必须小心谨慎。她暂时离开伦敦,前往她在斯塔福德郡的特伯利城堡。不过这并不意味着,她从政治前线退下了,相反,这是一次尝试,为了有朝一日能够能与约克公爵匹敌,用自己力量与之抗衡。 玛格丽特扩建改良了她在特伯利的城堡,对于这位日渐强大的王后来说,这无疑是一座雄伟壮观的城堡。玛格丽特在向每个关注在意这件事的人证明,她已经做好准备,要为守护她的丈夫和儿子而战。不过她做这种事,也引起了某些人对她的反感。 和往常一样,一个掌权的女人,就跟政治丑闻一样易受人攻击,开始有流言说,小王子其实是个私生子或是被调过包,还暗示,私底下,王后可能没有表面上看到的那么忠诚,这个暗示的力道志强兼职立竿见影。整件事在皇宫内外传的沸沸扬扬。