Margaret knew that York's supporters were taking every opportunity to slander her but she was made of stern stuff. It would take more than words to defeat her. By the summer of 1456 it was clear where the fulcrum of power now lay. A contemporary wrote. My Lord of York waits on the Queen, and she upon him. Despite attempts to find a lasting peace, the country divided behind Margaret and York. For Margaret this meant raising an army in the name of her husband and son. This beautiful object, known as the Dunstable Swan Jewel, probably dates from about 1400. The swan was one of the emblems of the Prince of Wales, and so it was a badge with this image, of a swan with a crown around its neck, that Margaret began to distribute to her loyal supporters in the name of her small son. 玛格丽特知道,约克的支持者正在找各种机会来诽谤中伤她,不过她的内心坚强非一般人所能及。只言片语还不足以击垮她,权力的冠冕究竟花落谁家,到了1456年的夏天,一切自见分晓。当时有人写道...我的约克打人在侍奉往后,往后地位在他之上。虽然想去谋求永久的和平,但是这个国家因玛格丽特和约克的原因分裂了。对玛格丽特来说,这意味着要以她的丈夫和儿子的名义募集军队。这个美丽的胸针,被称为邓斯特布尔的宝石天鹅,他的历史大约可以追溯到1400年。天鹅是威尔士亲王的王筝之一,所以这个徽章也用了这个形象,天鹅的脖子上戴着一个王冠,可以看出玛格丽特开始以儿子的名义向她的忠实拥护者示好。