Gaveston was so magnificently dressed, one observer noted, that "he more resembled the god Mars than an ordinary mortal." Isabella was only 12, but she knew how a King's wife should be treated. And it was clear that her rightful place at Edward's side had already been taken, by Gaveston. Isabella wasn't the only one who noticed the relationship between Edward and Piers. Her French uncles went home in a rage, insulted that Edward would have given some of their wedding presents to Gaveston. A chronicler of the time wrote. "I do not remember to have heard that one man so loved another." Not only was Isabella finding that there were three people in her marriage, but Gaveston's preening and waspish presence was having an equally corrosive effect on the King's relationship with his nobles. 加维斯顿穿着十分隆重,有个观察者写道,“他耀眼得像是战神马尔斯”。就算伊莎贝拉只有12岁,但作为一个王后所应得的礼遇,她还是知道的。显然,她的位置早就被一个叫做加维斯顿的男人取代了。 伊莎贝拉并不是唯一一个注意到爱德华和皮尔斯关系的人,她的叔叔在回程中勃然大怒,咒骂爱德华竟然把她的一些嫁妆赠给了加维斯顿。 当时的史学家这么写道,“我从来没见过有一个男人这么爱另一个男人”。问题不只是伊莎贝拉发现她的婚姻里出现了三个人,加维斯顿华丽且高调的出场,也在渐渐腐坏吞噬着过往和贵族们之间的关系。