She was determined to defend the rights of her husband and son by any means necessary. Margaret saw no middle ground in this conflict. Anyone who wasn't with her, she believed, was an enemy of the Crown. But that didn't mean her task would be easy. In September 1459, the two sides met at Blore Heath in Staffordshire. After four hours of bloody fighting, 2,000 men lay dead on the battlefield. The Yorkists had defeated an army, which was supposedly King Henry's, but everyone knew where the power really lay. One chronicler described it as an army of "the Queen's gallants". But three weeks later the two sides met again and this time it was York's army that was defeated. 她决定要不计任何代价,捍卫住丈夫和儿子的权力。玛格丽特认为,在这场战斗中不存在任何妥协的余地,在她看来,任何不拥有她的人都是王权的敌人。不过这并不意味着进展就那么顺利。1459年9月,双方在斯塔福德郡的布洛希思正面交锋。经过四个小时的殊死搏斗,有2000人在这场战斗中丧生。约克派击败了一个军队,这支军队很可能是国王阵营的一员。不过明眼人都知道,谁才是胜者。有人这么形容他们为“王后英勇的战士们”。不过仅仅三周之后,双方再次狭路相逢,不过这次吃百败战的是约克的军队。