[00:01.698]A King couldn't rule without the support of his powerful nobles. [00:06.386]They would help him keep order in the kingdom and defend it from attack, [00:11.342]while the King himself offered leadership and security. [00:15.875]But that's just what the nobles thought Edward wasn't doing. [00:20.723]His father, the great warrior King Edward I, [00:23.672]had defended the country and earned the title "Hammer of the Scots" [00:27.884]for his ferocious attempt to conquer Scotland. [00:31.982]But these hard-won gains were now being lost by his son [00:36.928]and the nobles laid the blame on his obsession with Gaveston. [00:42.935]Eventually, seeing no other option, a group of nobles came to parliament, armed and angry. [00:51.712]They demanded that Gaveston be banished, [00:54.046]and forced Edward to agree that 21 of them should rule on his behalf. [01:01.713]This was not what Isabella had signed up for when she married the King of England. [01:07.766]But she was still little more than a child, and she was powerless to stop the conflict.