In June 1128, Henry came here, to his Norman capital, Rouen, to knight his prospective son-in-law. Henry was delighted with the match, but Matilda wasn't so pleased. The good news? Geoffrey was so handsome and athletic that he was nicknamed "Geoffrey the Fair". The bad? He was only 15. Matilda clearly wasn't dazzled by Geoffrey's good looks. He was 11 years younger than her and her junior by far in status and experience. She'd just lost a husband who'd been a father figure as well as an emperor, and now she was offered an arrogant teenager as his replacement. She tried to resist the match, but in the end she had no choice. She did her unpleasant duty and married him. 在1128年7月,亨利来到他在诺曼的都城鲁昂,来为他未来的女婿颁发爵位。他对于这次婚姻很兴奋,但是玛蒂尔达确没有那么高兴。好消息是杰佛瑞很英俊并且体格健壮因而绰号英俊的杰佛瑞,但是,坏消息是,他只有15岁。玛蒂尔达当然不会被杰佛瑞英俊的外表所吸引,他比她小11岁,而且在地位位及经验上不及她。她刚刚失去一位在年级上可以当她父亲同是也是国王的丈夫,而现在又为她找了个傲慢的少年做丈夫。她试着抵触这次婚姻,但最后她没有选择的办法。她只好执行这个不愉快的任务,成为杰佛瑞的妻子