Matilda began to prepare for her coronation, she was on the brink of becoming England's first female king, but as she began to act like England's new ruler it became clear that she still had a battle to fight. As the chronicles written at the time reveal, when the great men of the kingdom began to be confronted with the reality of female rule, they didn't like what they saw. She was lifted up into an insufferable arrogance and she alienated the hearts of almost everyone. She had brought the greater part of the kingdom under her sway and on this account she was mightily puffed up and exulted in spirit. She at once put on an extremely arrogant demeanour instead of the modest gait and bearing proper to the gentle sex. Began to walk and speak and do all things more stiffly and more haughtily than she had been wont, to such a point that soon, in the capital of the land subject to her, she actually made herself Queen of all England and gloried in being so called.