On the 24th of June 1141 a 39-year-old woman sat down here at Westminster to a sumptuous banquet It was a feast to celebrate her planned coronation as Queen of England Matilda, it seemed was about to become the first woman to rule England in her own right Matilda was the daughter of Henry I and granddaughter of William the Conqueror but you won't find her on the role-call of English monarchs This faint manuscript image is the only contemporary picture of her that survives Her attempt to claim the crown was to throw the country into almost 20 years of catastrophic civil war Matilda herself has gone down in history as a domineering and destructive woman perceived by men as a she-wolf simply because she dared to challenge the assumption that only a man could wear the English crown And her bid for the throne began with a tragedy The death of the male heir, her brother William It happened not in England but when he and their father were returning from their territory across the channel in Normandy