But Eleanor found that the King's power was greater than hers. Louis wasn't prepared to let his Queen go and she was forced to leave Antioch with him. In 1149 the failed crusade trailed home and for the next two years Eleanor didn't waste her energy by struggling further. She remained dutifully in Paris and in 1150 she gave birth to another daughter. But then she encountered the man who would change the whole course of her life. This man was Matilda's son, Henry, future King of England and in 1151 peace talks brought him to Paris. 然而,埃莉诺发现国王比自己要有权势,路易不打算对他的王后放手,最终强行将埃莉诺带离安提阿。1149年,失败的十字军归国,之后的两年,埃莉诺没有费劲再反抗,她尽职尽责地住在巴黎。1150年,她又生了一个女儿。接着她遇到那个男人,那个能够改变她一生轨迹的男人。这个人是玛蒂尔达的儿子——亨利,未来的英格兰国王。1151年,他为和谈到达巴黎,