It was Eleanor who kept the peace in England during his absence and Eleanor who raised the ransom that eventually bought his freedom. When Richard died in 1199, struck by a stray arrow at a siege in France, it was Eleanor who secured the succession of her youngest son, John. Amazingly, at the age of 75, she travelled hundreds of miles, the length and breadth of France to support John's rule. But eventually age and exhaustion caught up with Eleanor. She returned here to Fontevraud to rest and from that point on she retreated into silence. Eleanor died on the 31st March 1204 at the age of 80. Despite her long years of conflict with her husband, she was laid to rest beside him. 在他不在的日子里,埃莉诺维护英格兰的和平,还为他支付镀金,最终还他自由。理查1199年在法国遭到围攻,身重一箭,最终丧命。又是埃莉诺,保证了王位后继有人,让儿子约翰即位。令人吃惊的是,75岁高龄的埃莉诺远行千里,跨越法兰西去支持约翰的统治。但是最终,年龄和体力不饶人,埃莉诺回到风佛洛休息,也就是在那里,她归于宁静。埃莉诺1204年3月31日过世,享年80岁。尽管她和丈夫争斗多年,她还是葬在他身边。