[00:00.30] [00:03.32]The most fertile soil for such financial seeds proved to be the Italian city states [00:09.60]Fibonacci's hometown of Pisa was one [00:13.03]But it was above all Venice, more exposed than any of the others to oriental influences [00:18.80]that became the great money-lending laboratory [00:25.33]and the home of literature's most notorious moneylender [00:31.18]Shylock, in William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice. [00:35.76](此段对话出自《威尼斯商人》第一幕第三场) [00:38.55]May you stead me? Will you pleasure me? Shall I know your answer? [00:46.68]Crucially, Shylock's only prepared to lend the money if Bassanio's friend, the merchant Antonio, is providing the security [00:56.23]3,000 ducats for three months and Antonio bound [01:02.09]Your answer to that [01:03.72]Antonio is a good man [01:08.17]By good, Shylock doesn't mean virtuous, he means good for the money he's about to lend Bassanio [01:14.03]In other words, creditworthy [01:17.48]