[00:00.30] [00:02.02]To get a better idea of how primitive moneylending works, you don't need to travel back in time [00:08.07]There are plenty of modern-day Shylocks remarkably close to home [00:12.79]And they don't need to be Jewish to suffer a similar fate to Shylock [00:34.91]This is Shettleston in the east end of Glasgow [00:38.22]It's actually where my grandmother used to live [00:40.77]And I think with its distinctive steel shuttering, it's one of the grimmest places in the whole of western Europe [00:47.70]In fact, average male life expectancy here is just 64, which is slightly worse than Bangladesh [00:53.55]That means that the average Shettlestonian doesn't actually live long enough to collect his state pension [00:59.27]You might think nobody would be mad enough to try and provide financial services here [01:04.62]But someone does [01:07.03]