[00:00.30] [00:01.66]So why do people scraping by on just £5.90 a day pay such horrendous interest on loans? [00:09.31]These, surely, are loans you'd be mad not to default on. [00:13.89]Here in Glasgow, defaulting on your loan is highly inadvisable [00:20.06]You won't literally lose a pound of flesh [00:23.07]but grievous bodily harm isn't an unknown consequence of letting down the loan shark. [00:31.01]Quite simply, individual loan sharks have to be rapacious and ruthless [00:36.11]because the costs to them of even a single defaulter are so high [00:43.80]And that explains why, from Renaissance Italy to modern Scotland, the moneylender is so often a hated figure [00:52.00]He's providing a service, but at a socially unacceptable price. [01:00.00]So how did lenders learn to overcome this fundamental problem? [01:04.20]If they were too generous, they didn't make any money. [01:06.90]But if they were too hard-nosed, borrowers would eventually default [01:11.23]The answer was to get bigger and more powerful [01:15.02]It was time to invent banks [01:18.33]