
歌曲 Conquest帝国征程(17)
歌手 英语听力
专辑 BBC英国史


William, now his liege lord, would be obliged to protect Harold, his new knight. But Harold would have had to make his own promises, and there seems no doubt that he did swear some sort of oath to the Duke. To the medieval mind, there was nothing more serious than an oath, and the tapestry maker makes it clear that this was a religious act by having a witness point to the word "Sacramentum". Harold's oath was indeed a kind of sacrament since it went right to the heart of the matter. What would happen to England after Edward died? Now the English said that Harold agreed to be William's man only in Normandy and that this had no bearing on the English succession. The Norman chroniclers, though, said Harold had sworn to help William take the throne of England.


William, now his liege lord, would be obliged to protect Harold, his new knight. But Harold would have had to make his own promises, and there seems no doubt that he did swear some sort of oath to the Duke. To the medieval mind, there was nothing more serious than an oath, and the tapestry maker makes it clear that this was a religious act by having a witness point to the word " Sacramentum". Harold' s oath was indeed a kind of sacrament since it went right to the heart of the matter. What would happen to England after Edward died? Now the English said that Harold agreed to be William' s man only in Normandy and that this had no bearing on the English succession. The Norman chroniclers, though, said Harold had sworn to help William take the throne of England.
wēi lián zuò wéi tā de jūn zhǔ, yǒu yì wù bǎo hù tā de xīn qí shì hā luó dé, hā luó dé zé xū yào zì xíng xǔ yuàn, ér tā sì hū què shí duì zì jǐ de jūn zhǔ jìn xíng le mǒu zhǒng xuān shì. zài zhōng shì jì rén kàn lái, xuān shì shì zuì wéi zhuāng zhòng yán sù de shì. ér guà tǎn de zhì zuò zhě, ràng yī wèi mù jī zhě shǒu zhǐ" shèng lǐ" zì yàng, shuō míng cǐ xíng wéi de zōng jiào xìng zhì. hā luó dé de xuān shì dí què shén shèng, yīn wèi tā zhí jiē guān xì dào yí gè hé xīn wèn tí, ài dé huá sǐ hòu, yīng gé lán jiāng hé qù hé cóng? xiàn zài yīng gé lán rén shuō, hā luó dé zhǐ xuān shì zài nuò màn dǐ chén fú yú wēi lián, cǐ jǔ yǔ yīng gé lán wáng wèi zhēng duó háo bù xiāng guān, nuò màn biān nián shǐ shàng xiě de què shì hā luó dé shì zhù wēi lián, ná xià yīng gé lán zhè piàn jiāng shān.