[00:19.29]Dictation instructions [00:22.54]Listen to the following passage,altogether the passage will be read to you four times. [00:31.43]During the first reading,which will be read in normal speed,listen and try to understand the meaning. [00:40.54]For the second and third reading,the passage will be read sentence by sentence,or phrase by phrase,with intervals of 15 seconds. [00:53.37]The last reading will be read at normal speed again.And during this time,you should check your work. [01:02.48]You will then be given two minutes to check through work once more. [01:08.04]Please write the whole passage on answer sheet two. [01:12.72]Now listen to the passage.No.37 my views on opportnity [01:25.04]Views on opportunity vary from person to person. [01:29.13]Some people think that opportunities are not really important. [01:34.07]They are of this opinion because they think that if you have knowledge, skill or experience, opportunities will come to you naturally. [01:43.20]Others, however, take a more positive view of it. [01:47.73]In their view, opportunity is the most important factor on the way to success. [01:54.74]Without opportunity, to their mind, hard work equals nothing. [02:00.78]Moreover, they always complain that they are not successful because they are not lucky enough to get any opportunities. [02:09.37]My view on opportunity falls between the two extremes. [02:13.91]I am more in favour of an objective attitude to opportunity. [02:18.93]It's true that "opportunity is fair to everyone", but it doesn't mean that everyone can make full use of it when it is under their nose.“ [02:28.09]Therefore, we should not rely solely on opportunity. [02:32.50]Instead, we should work hard and get well prepared for its arrival.